Verify OTP for Merchant Sign Up
You can verify OTP for merchant registration using this API.
Verify OTP for merchant registration request is send over HTTPS to the /merchantServices/api/v1/verifyAppOtp
resource using POST method.
In our API Specifications you can find a full list of parameters that can be sent in the request. Also number of parameters varies you can see in our Sample Request given below.
Sample Request

Sample Response

Hashing Rule
is supporting MD5 Cryptographic Hash for the authenticity of payment request send to the server.
The Verify OTP API requires below details to be passed along with the request for authentication and authorization:
- partnerId <ID of a Partner who is going to send a request>
- partner's secureKey <Partner secure key that can be generated through 's dashboard>
- Mobile number <Mobile number of a Merchant>
How to generate Checksum?
A checksum has to be calculated with following combination and need to be send along with the authentication parameters in each server-to-server request:
Verify OTP by Partner:
<partnerID>|<partner's secureKey>|<mobile Number>
Sample Code