Withdraw Money
User can withdraw money from wallet account to bank, credit card, debit card.
How to withdraw amount?
The POST request will be send over HTTPS to the
Sample Request

Sample Response

- merchantTransactionId – Provide Unique Id everytime
- walletAmount - Total wallet balance in your wallet account
- custMobile – mobile number with country code
- verificationHash – SHA256Algorithm.generateSHA256Hash(secKey.trim()+customerId.trim()+custEmail.trim()+custMobile.trim()+walletOwnerId.trim()+amount.trim())
How to generate verification hash?
Verification Hash has to be calculated with following combination using SHA256
algorithm and need to be send along with the authentication parameters in each server-to-server
Sample Code

Request Parameters
This reference lists all the standard flow parameters to be send in request.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
customerId | Generated unique customer id on per user sign up | N [0-9] |
Yes |
custEmail | User's email id | AN [a-zA-Z0-9] |
Yes |
custName | User's name | A255 | Yes |
custMobile | User's mobile number (with country code eg.91) | N [0-9] |
Yes |
currency | User's currency | A3 [0-9]{3} |
Yes |
amount | Amount of the transaction. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
trackingId | Transaction Id received in load money response. | N50
[0-9] {50} |
Yes |
merchantTransactionId | This reference number is provided by the merchant, should be unique for the transactions and is visible on the end customer’s statement. | [.\\p[0-9a-zA-Z\\p{Space}\\-]{0,1024} | Yes |
walletAmount | Total wallet balance in the requested wallet account. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
verificationHash | Verification Hash has collected combination of parameters. | String | Yes |
walletOwnerId | Provided by Unique id. | N20 [0-9] |
Yes |
paymentMode | Payment method for paying amount. For ex: CC for Credit Cards | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9] {1,32} |
Yes |
paymentBrand | Type of Card while placing the transaction.For ex: VISA, MC | AN32 [a-zA-Z0-9] {1,32} |
Yes |
Response Parameters
This reference list lists all the standard flow parameters to be received in response.
Parameter | Description | Format | Required |
status | Transaction status description. | A255 | Yes |
amount | Amount of the transaction.. | N [0-9] |
Yes |
responseCode | Response code | [a-zA-Z0-9] | Yes |
voucherNumber | Will get voucher number on withdraw with voucher. | N50 [0-9] |
Yes |
Response Code | Message |
8 | Success Transaction |
9 | Declined Transaction |
10 | Failed Transaction |
13 | Transaction Overdue (Your withdraw limit is over) |
12 | Insufficient amount |
3 | Invalid Request |